Managing your JBOD on LSI
Firmware update on LSI 9207
./sas2flash -listall
./sas2flash -b 9207-8e.rom -c 0
./sas2flash -f 9207-8e.bin -c 0
./sas2flash -listall
Check number of disks
lsscsi | grep dev| wc -l
Getting partition UUIDS
IFS=$'\n'; for i in ` ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep -v total | awk '{print $9, $11}' | sed 's|../../||' `; do P=`echo ${i} | awk '{print $2}'`; echo -n "${i} "; fdisk -s /dev/${P}; done | sort -k3n,3 -k2
Getting all HDD serial numbers
sas2ircu 0 DISPLAY|grep "Serial No" > /tmp/file ; sas2ircu 1 DISPLAY|grep "Serial No" >> /tmp/file; cat /tmp/file |grep -v x
Reattach disk by SCSI id
echo 'scsi remove-single-device X X X X' > /proc/scsi/scsi && echo 'scsi add-single-device X X X X' > /proc/scsi/scsi
Flashing LED for onsite support
wget; chmod a+x encled; ./encled
Go deeper
apt-get install sg3-utils
Firstly, looking for the enclosures
sg_map -i |grep LSI
/dev/sg26 LSILOGIC SASX36 A.1 7017
/dev/sg51 LSI CORP SAS2X36 0717
/dev/sg73 LSI CORP SAS2X36 0717
Then looking for the information pages
sg_ses -p 0 /dev/sg73
Supported diagnostic pages:
Supported Diagnostic Pages [sdp] [0x0]
Configuration (SES) [cf] [0x1]
Enclosure Status/Control (SES) [ec,es] [0x2]
Element Descriptor (SES) [ed] [0x7]
Additional Element Status (SES-2) [aes] [0xa]
Download Microcode (SES-2) [dm] [0xe]
We are interesting in Status and Control page (SES)
Enclosure Status/Control (SES) [ec,es] [0x2]
Mapping slot to SAS address
sg_ses -p 0xa /dev/sg73 |grep -E 'slot| SAS address' |sed 'N;s/\n//' | awk '{print $3, " ", $NF}'