Vim and 750 words
Vim, functions, 750words and all-all-all
I really love writing, mostly on russian. Also my English still not really good and I plan to improve it. I heard about 750word program, but I certainly don't want to use another service for writing, I'm stingy)
Fast research
I found a nice project on GitHub called 750words [^750words]
[^750words]: 750words project
But I need some improvements:
- Vim status bar should display how many words I need to write
- custom status bar will be displayed if I do a writing
Lets go. First I check a stack overflow and yes, job was already done by someone[^soexample]:
[^soexample]: Example on Stackoverflow
function! WordCount()
let s:old_status = v:statusmsg
let position = getpos(".")
exe ":silent normal g\"
let stat = v:statusmsg
let s:word_count = 0
if stat != '--No lines in buffer--'
let s:word_count = str2nr(split(v:statusmsg)[11])
let v:statusmsg = s:old_status
call setpos('.', position)
return s:word_count
:set statusline=wc:%{WordCount()}
Now next round - how to apply settings right way. Here is a two different way - based on extension or based on project
One nice little feature of good old VI is to allow configuration per folder. Everything you need to do is >just place .exrc file in the current folder and kick off VI. This feature still exists with VIM, but is >disabled by default. To enable it, just set exrc and VIM will respect custom configurations in current >directory
I prefer to use a one rc per project, that is a most powerful way than fix vimrc in common every time Adding a vim-localrc to Janus plugins: mkdir ~/.janus; cd ~/.janus git clone
Then adding a .local.vimrc with function and modeling to ~/.750words directory Testing a function: :call WordCount()
Its working! Pull request to Denton was sent.